Types of Child Elbow Fractures

Broken bones, also known as fractures, are one of the most frequent injuries that children sustain. Any bone in the body is susceptible to fractures, which are categorised differently based on how severe the break is. The elbow is one of the most often fractured bones in children.

Children with elbow fractures require medical attention from the best orthopaedic doctor in Noida. Children’s bones are different from adults’ bones, and since they are still growing, fractures can cause problems that last a lifetime if they are not treated quickly and in right away.

Depending on the nature and degree of the fracture as well as how the break affects neighbouring structures including the skin, muscles, blood vessels, nerves, and ligaments, fractures can be treated nonsurgically or surgically.

Following are a few examples of fracture classifications:

Stress or Hairline: A portion of the bone has broken. The bone does not divide into individual pieces as a result of it.

Non-Displaced: The bone is completely broken, but the fragments are correctly positioned relative to one another.

Displaced: The bone has completely broken and the pieces aren’t lined up properly. They could need to be realigned by surgery.

Comminuted: When a bone fractures, it breaks up into more than two pieces. For this kind of fracture, surgery is necessary. It is necessary to realign and restructure the bone’s fragments.

The most typical kid elbow fractures are listed below:

Supracondylar Fracture

The growth plate of the humerus immediately above the elbow is fractured in this form of elbow fracture, which is the most frequent type. It frequently happens as a result of a fall onto an extended arm while participating in sports or games. Surgery might not be necessary if the fracture is mild or moderate, but if it is serious, surgery might be necessary.

Epicondylar Fracture

This kind of fracture happens just where the bone protrudes from the elbow, at the tip. It frequently results from overuse, playing baseball and arm wrestling, and may affect the medial or lateral portion of the elbow. It might also happen if your elbow is displaced.

Monteggia Fracture

Mongteggia fractures happen when the proximal radio-ulnar joint separates from the elbow joint and the ulna breaks. A reduced range of motion, intense pain, and edoema are common side effects of this injury.

The diagnosis and treatment of paediatric fractures require significant knowledge and training. Adult and child fractures, including elbow fractures, are treated by the best orthopaedic surgeon in Delhi NCR. Our objective while treating paediatric fracture patients is to ensure that the damaged bone heals properly while avoiding problems that can impair growth and development.

Call Global Orthopaedics and Sports Injury Centre at 8527853456 for the latest cutting-edge treatment for your child’s fracture, or schedule an appointment online right away.

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