Take care of your bone & joint health during COVID-19

Due to COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown situations, our confined to our homes and urged by the government to stay at home to prevent further spreading of this disease. So, it has becomes even more important to find ways to take care of your health and be safe at home. The ongoing situation has not only disrupted our emotional well-being but has also drastically affected our physical health. Lack of physical movement is the biggest worry amid this pandemic situation irrespective of your age and can also affect your bone and joint health, besides other health problems.

Earlier, before this Covid-19 people use to do a lot of work like travel to work, daily chores, exercising, go out to meet their friends but sadly in the past few months, all these activities have been restricted which has confined the physical movement and has initiated lethargy.

As we are restricted to our homes, our bones and muscles are not getting proper stimulation which is affecting our bone health. We should be cautious about our bones health as much as their other requirements.


Fall Prevention

Be careful whenever you are roaming or walking around in the home and make sure that your home environment is free of disarray and any obstacles. Take caution when going outdoors.

Continue treatment

If you are already taking any treatment or medication for osteoporosis then do not stop it. Consult your doctor if you have any problems or concerns.

Physical Activity

Physical/Social Distancing does not mean self-isolating! Make sure you are walking and indulge in other physical activities in your house itself.

Weight Management

Increase in weight will put extra pressure on your joints and may cause extra damage. So, keep a regular check on your weight to keep your joints and muscles healthy.


Exercise (Aerobic/Anaerobic) is very important to create any movement in your body and eventually help in maintaining your bone strength.

No Smoking

Tobacco has been known to cause weaker bones. Similarly, regularly consuming increases the risk of osteoporosis. It is suggested to avoid Tobacco and limit alcohol use for better bone health.

Balanced Diet

For good joint and bone health, a balanced diet in regular is important. Consume a healthy diet that has the right mix of carbs, protein, fibre and other important nutrients. Take vitamin supplements after consulting a doctor.

Get Vitamin D

Get the amount of vitamin D you need daily either naturally or by taking supplements suggested by your doctor.

Keep in touch with your doctor and keep him informed with your health status and seek for constant tips and tricks to improve your bone health.

Ask for help! There are many ways to get the support you need connecting with doctors or getting prescribed medication.

You must be prepared to manage your bone health and osteoporosis during this pandemic. Take extra precaution and reduce the risk of breaking a bone during COVID-19.

Take actions and precautions that make sure that we are not hurting ourselves and staying fracture free because, with limited resources, respective health authorities have recommended avoiding visiting hospitals and doctors unless necessary.

Be home Be Safe.


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