Sunlight is one of the unsung heroes of good health. Even a few minutes spent basking in old Sol’s glory each day can make a remarkable difference in your overall wellness and risk of disease. Sun is the greatest cancer fighter! That’s because sunlight encourages your skin to produce vitamin D. And vitamin D has been shown to prevent a long list of cancers, including kidney, bladder, colorectal, stomach, liver, breast, prostate, lung, gallbladder and pancreatic cancer. But vitamin D isn’t the only reason sunbathing (in moderation) is good for your cancer risk. Researchers recently uncovered another compelling reason to get your RDA of sunlight…
It turns out, sunlight also energizes your T-cells — your immune cells that fight infections and ward off cancer. Now, this sounds a lot like immunotherapy… that’s what mainstream medicine calls a “cutting-edge” area of research that looks at harnessing your own immunity to fight cancer. The study shows that sunlight directly activates key immune cells by increasing their movement.
Unfortunately, if you cannot manage to be in sunlight, the good news is, you can also get T-cell boosting blue light from lamps. Blue light therapy lamps are already a popular accessory for health-conscious people living in colder climates because they’re known to improve your mood, boost your energy level and fight seasonal affective disorder (SAD).
If you decide to invest in one of these lights, you can make a morning ritual out of it. Sit in front of your therapy light for 20 to 30 minutes every morning while you enjoy your coffee or tea. It will not only energize your T-cells, but it will energize your entire body and get you ready to tackle the day ahead. But remember it is not a replacement for sunlight.