Prevention Advice for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Office Jobs

Most of the office jobs pose no physical risk. Sitting down is comfortable for the body than, say, professions requiring heavy lifting. However, carpal tunnel syndrome: one type of injury, is more common in office workers.

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Repetitive motions—things you do every day, such as typing on a computer—can cause carpal tunnel syndrome. You may, however, strive to lessen the negative effects of repeated motions in office work by making a few modest changes. Here, the best orthopaedic surgeon in Delhi NCR discusses carpal tunnel syndrome and offers advice on how to avoid it.


Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome

The carpal tunnel is a narrow passageway in your wrist that surrounds the median nerve as it enters your hand. The median nerve in the carpal tunnel can become inflamed and irritated by repetitive hand motions. According to the best orthopaedic surgeon in Noida, Carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms include:

  • Hand or wrist numbness, tingling, or discomfort, especially in the thumb and first three fingers.
  • Having weak or clumsy hands that may make it challenging to use your fine motor skills to do things like button a shirt.
  • Weakened grip capacity.
  • Pain and numbness that travels from your forearm to your shoulder, making it difficult to carry items.
  • A scorching feeling in your wrists or arms.


Prevention guidelines for carpal tunnel syndrome

Office employees are prone to carpal tunnel syndrome, and women are more vulnerable. However, there are several things you can do to stop carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms from getting worse.

Consider your wrist position

Holding your wrists neutrally while working is essential, especially while typing or doing other repetitive actions. Many people have a propensity to have their wrists flexed, which puts extra pressure on the wrist and increases the likelihood of discomfort.

Your workstation’s ergonomics should be improved

Despite spending so much time at your workstation each day, you probably don’t give it much thought. For you to operate your keyboard correctly, it’s critical that your chair be at the right height and angle.

Keep your hands straight while using a keyboard rather than raising your wrists over the keys. Your hands and wrists are more likely to become sore if you keep them above the keyboard. Your hands should be in a relaxed, natural position that you find comfortable.

Regularly extend your wrists

Make sure you extend your hands, wrists, and fingers during the hourly short breaks you take. Stretch your fingers out by gently shaking out your hands and bending them back and forth.

Think about how you sleep

Avoid irritating your wrists even while you’re not at work. Avoid lying on your wrists or hands as you sleep, especially if they are flexed. Many office employees find it helpful to wear a wrist brace while they sleep in order to prevent unintentionally increasing wrist stress before their workday even begins.

If you pay close attention to your working habits, you may easily avoid developing carpal tunnel syndrome. Make an appointment online with Dr. A K Sharma – the best orthopaedic doctor in Noida if you’re still experiencing discomfort in your hands and wrists to find out about effective carpal tunnel syndrome treatments.

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