Knee Replacement Post-Op Exercises You Must Try Now

Restoring your range of motion and strength following a total knee replacement is essential to regaining your ability to participate in important activities. The following fitness routine will begin shortly after your operation.

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Your physical therapist will initially assist you with the exercises, but you will be required to continue them as directed. As you recuperate, you will quit certain workouts and begin others. Please inform your therapist or surgeon if you are experiencing trouble performing your workouts. You must also look for the best knee replacement surgeon in Noida if you have a serious problem with your knee!

Circulation Exercise: Ankle Pumps
Lay down on your back. Gently point and pull the operative leg’s ankle by pumping the foot up and down.

● Recur 10 times (1 set).
● Perform 1 set every hour you are up and maintain until your activity level has returned to normal.

Circulation Exercise: Quadriceps Sets
Lay down on your back with your legs extended. Contract your thigh muscles by pressing your knee into the bed.

● Avoid holding your breath.
● Recur 10 times (1 set).
● Do two sets daily.

Circulation Exercise: Gluteal Sets (buttock)
Lay down on your back with your legs extended. Compress buttocks and contract buttocks muscles. Avoid holding your breath.

● Recur 10 times (1 set).
● Do two sets daily.

Heel Slides
Lay down on your back. The surgical knee is bent by moving the heel toward the buttocks.

● Recur 10 times (1 set).
● Do two sets daily.
● You may be taught to tug on a bed sheet wrapped over your foot to assist you with sliding your heel.

Quick Arc Quads
Lay on your back with a rolled-up towel beneath each knee. While maintaining your thigh on the roll, gradually straighten your surgical knee by elevating your foot.

● Recur 10 times (1 set).
● Do two sets daily.

Vertical Leg Raise
Lying on one’s back with the non-surgical leg bent is the correct position. Tighten the knee on the surgical leg and gradually raise the leg to the level of the bent knee. Maintain a flat back on the surface.

● Recur 10 times (1 set).
● Do two sets daily.

Hip abduction/adduction

Lay down on your back. Maintain a straight knee and toes pointed toward the ceiling. Slide the surgical leg to the side and then back to the middle.

● Permit your surgical leg to cross the midline at NO time.
● Recur 10 times (1 set).
● Do two sets daily.

Squatting Knee Extension
Place a cloth beneath your surgery leg as you sit (s). You should place your feet flat on the floor. Retract one foot while bending the surgical knee. Five seconds later, slip your foot forward.

● Recur 10 times (1 set).
● Do two sets daily.

Position Knee Extension
● Stretch your surgical leg out.
● Recur 10 times (1 set).
● Do two sets daily.

If you need Knee replacement surgery, it is best to visit the best knee replacement surgeon in Delhi NCR: Dr A K Sharma. You will get skilled medical advice and treatment for your knee. Always feel free to contact us for further information or inquiries!

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