Is the neck pain I have due to my smartphone?

Our lives now cannot function without our smartphones, which we use from the moment we get up until we go to bed. The majority of us spend the most of our days hunched over our cellphones, captivated to the screens for as long as we can. We are unaware that our terrible posture is gradually straining our neck, which is the cause of the severe pain known as “text neck,” a strain injury.

What are the telltale signs of “text neck”?

• An aching that radiates from one side of the neck to your shoulders and upper back is referred to as neck, shoulder, and upper back pain.
• Muscle tightness or stiffness that limits movement and causes shooting pain with every motion.
• Flexion that hurts when moving forward and gets worse when engaging in any activity.
• Chronic Headache – When excessive smartphone use results in headaches and neck muscle spasms.
• Feelings of tingling and numbness in the limbs

How can this neck ache be avoided?
1.) Increase your viewing angle by holding your phone as near to eye level as you can. The smartphone can also be placed on a stand or a table, which guarantees a relaxed position.

2.) Taking regular breaks from using electronics – This lowers the risk of strains by relaxing the neck and upper back muscles.

3.) Maintaining physical fitness – To enhance body posture and maintain flexibility, perform stretching exercises and arch your neck and back.

5.) Go for walks every 15 to 30 minutes after using your smartphone for an extended period of time.

6.) Don’t slump – Don’t spend too much time staring at the screen.

7.) Sit squarely to your work screen

How is neck pain brought on by smartphone use treated?

Doctors advise using ice or a hot pack to the area to help with the discomfort.
Other therapies include:
Medications – Prescribed medicines such as muscle relaxants or anti-inflammatory drugs, which are used to treat pain.
Physical therapy – Learn the proper stances and exercises to strengthen the muscles that aid in rehabilitation with the assistance of a skilled therapist.
Don’t wait to seek treatment if your neck discomfort is severe and interfering with your normal activities. To get the right care for any health issues, simply make an appointment with the best orthopedics doctor in Noida at the Global Orthopaedics and Speciality Clinics

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