How to lower your Blood Pressure by activities?

High blood pressure is a very difficult condition to manage. “Resistant hypertension” is even more difficult to control. Side effects of just one class of blood pressure medications include fatigue, dizziness, weakness, drowsiness, diarrhea and nausea.

There is a way to lower your blood pressure using two mind-body activities and in the process, you can lower your chance of stroke as well.

Yoga and tai chi minimise stroke risk- The research, published in Future Neurology by researchers from Monash University, the University of South Australia (UniSA) and the University of Melbourne found that mindfulness-based activities such as yoga and tai chi can reduce hypertension and your fatty acids and blood sugar levels — all risk factors for stroke.

Yoga and tai chi regulate blood pressure by teaching people to breathe deeply, balancing and stabilizing their autonomic nervous system and lowering their heart rate.
Lowering blood pressure and with it, stroke risk- Here’s how:
#1 – Participate regularly in yoga, tai chi or both.
#2 – Support the health of your arteries with supplements like Vitamin K2, Grapeseed extract, green tea extract,etc.
#3 – Walk- just 30 minutes per day five days a weeks is enough to do the trick.
#4 – Eliminate sugar- More and more studies are showing a link between sugar consumption and high blood pressure.

Hypertension can seem impossible to control and if not managed properly can lead to a debilitating or fatal stroke. But, there is hope. Using yoga, tai chi and the other tips above, you can lower your blood pressure naturally and with it your stroke risk.

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