Medical science has made wondrous advances to extend lifespan. But despite
our best efforts, long life does not always translate into good health…A
worst case scenario that many people fear most is having a functioning body,
but a mind stricken with dementia. Sadly, memory loss is an early sign of
Alzheimer’s, the most common form of dementia. But as the disease advances,
other symptoms gradually come forward, including behavioral changes,
disorientation and confusion, unfounded suspicions, difficulty speaking and

RISK FACTORS- There is no specific test for Alzheimer’s, though brain
shrinkage and amyloid plaque are typical indicators. And there are a number
of factors that can increase your risk…

Genetics are part of that profile, but this relationship is not always
clear. For example, a gene called ApoE-4 (Apolipoprotein) increases the
chance of developing Alzheimer’s, but does not make it a certainty. There
are other genes that have a more direct link to the condition, and are
associated with rare, usually early onset, versions. Individuals may want to
have a genetic profile analysis to clarify risk.

Heart health is emerging as a major factor. The brain is heavily reliant on
oxygen and nutrients carried through the bloodstream, so any cardiovascular
and circulatory problems have a ripple effect on cognitive health. High
blood pressure and cholesterol can significantly raise the risk of
Alzheimer’s and dementia. In fact, a certain form of vascular Alzheimer’s is
associated with cardiovascular disease, as reduced blood flow and plaque
deposits in the brain mirror the same deadly processes occurring in the
cardiovascular system. Natural therapies which reduce arterial and vascular
plaque have been shown helpful for both cardiovascular disease as well as

Other major risk factors include a sedentary lifestyle, smoking, depression,
diabetes and obesity.

Can exercise help? The relationship between exercise and brain power has
been known for some time. More recently, studies have shown that exercise
may delay cognitive decline. As noted, reduced blood flow is a factor in
Alzheimer’s and dementia, while better circulation seems to reduce risk.
Exercise increases the number of small blood vessels throughout the body and
has been found to enhance brain connectivity. In particular, aerobic
exercise, such as walking and running, is beneficial. But don’t neglect
strength training. A recent study by scientists at the University of British
Columbia found that women with mild cognitive impairment improved their
memory following weight training. Results showed that women who did weight
training and aerobics performed far better on memory tests than those who
simply stretched.

What about diet? Like exercise, eating well appears to reduce dementia risk.
As noted, cardiovascular disease is a risk factor for cognitive decline.

In other words, choosing foods that protect the heart — lean proteins, whole
grains and legumes, healthy fats, and lots of fruits and vegetables — can
improve brain health as well. Incorporate green leafy and cruciferous
vegetables — like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale. Some research has
shown that these can reduce cognitive decline. As a bonus, they are also
good for both the immune system and hormone metabolism. Omega-3 fatty acids
and other healthy fats also support brain health. One study showed that
brains deficient in omega-3s tend to be smaller. Fatty fish, like wild
salmon, are a great source, as are raw nuts and seeds. Some animal studies
have shown that one form of omega-3 (DHA) reduces amyloid plaque in the

A key botanical extract- We think of mental stress as the overwhelmed
sensation we feel when too much is going on, but there’s another form that
affects the brain — oxidative stress, which happens when excess free
radicals and toxins wreak havoc and cause chronic inflammation throughout
the body. There is growing evidence linking oxidative stress with dementia,
Alzheimer’s and general cognitive decline.

One compound that’s shown some promise in studies is resveratrol, which is a
potent antioxidant and is found in high concentrations in red wine. Some
studies have shown that people who drink moderate amounts of red wine have
lower risk of Alzheimer’s. Animal studies have also shown that resveratrol
reduces amyloid plaque.

Honokiol, an active compound derived from Magnolia bark, is another powerful
antioxidant shown to protect the brain through several mechanisms. Magnolia
bark has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries as a mild
sedative, and research shows that this calming effect is linked to
honokiol’s actions on GABA receptors in the brain. As an antioxidant,
honokiol is 1,000 times more powerful than vitamin E; it is also a potent
anti-inflammatory compound. One of honokiol’s unique characteristics is that
it can cross the blood-brain barrier, where it is shown to protect against
brain inflammation and amyloid plaque deposits. Furthermore, honokiol
stimulates the neurotransmitter acetylcholine — a critical benefit since
Alzheimer’s patients have lower levels of acetylcholine.

Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, has also been used in
traditional Asian practices for centuries. Again, modern research is
confirming its benefits. Other studies have shown curcumin and turmeric to
benefit memory and brain function, perhaps due to their powerful
anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits.

Meditation- Good for the brain in many ways, meditation helps control stress
and maintain positive mood. It also appears to improve memory.

Being social- Social engagement also improves brain function. People who
volunteer, attend lectures, work collaboratively or have other forms of
engagement tend to do better cognitively. This is no surprise; social
engagement has been shown to increase lifespan, improve health and decrease
depression. It only makes sense that it would benefit mental capabilities. A
number of studies have found that social connections can reduce dementia. Of
course, as we age, social engagement can become more difficult. We may lose
contact with peers, face reduced mobility and have fewer opportunities to
interact with others. While these obstacles are significant, they are not
insurmountable. One of the best things we can do for our brain is to
maintain connections with family, friends and community.

While Alzheimer’s disease has no cure, that doesn’t mean we are helpless.
Continuing research is highlighting many measures that can help control
cognitive decline. By incorporating a healthy diet, regular exercise, smart
supplementation, meditation and social interaction, we take positive steps
to keep our minds sharp as we age. In the process, we also boost
cardiovascular health and improve our overall quality of life. It’s a
yes-brainer, winning formula.

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