While the debate about which flavor is best — vanilla or chocolate ice cream— will likely go on for eternity, there is no debate that vanilla is a terribly under-rated spice. After saffron, known to be incredibly expensive, vanilla is the world’s most expensive spice. The tiny black seeds inside those pods give their rich flavor to creamy vanilla ice cream, fuel our passion for vanilla lattes and even fill our homes with the sweet scent of vanilla. But, beyond its delightful flavor and aroma, the vanilla bean is the source of a wide range of health benefits you may not know about…

Vanilla’s anti-cancer properties- Vanilla is both anti-mutagenic andanti-angiogenic. It inhibits the two major biological processes that allow cancer cells to grow. One study showed that vanillin, the primary component of the extract of the vanilla bean, could reduce the frequency of mutation in colon cells by 64%. Colon cells have a very high turnover rate. New cells replace old ones frequently, making mutations more likely. This makes the effects of vanillin even more impressive. Scientists have also found that ethyl vanillin inhibits angiogenesis, the formation of new blood vessels, byslowing the production of nitric oxide in tumor cells, effectively cutting off their oxygen supply.

Vanilla fights bacteria – A 2014 study at the University of Bucharest showed that vanilla essential oil could slow the development of a strain of Staph bacteria. The antibacterial activity of vanilla protects the immune system, which lowers stress on the body, and makes it easier to recover from illness or injury.

Less inflammation and better digestion- Vanillin has long been known to soothe inflammation throughout the body, easing the pain of gout and arthritis. It’s also been proven effective in protecting against liver inflammation. The smell or taste of vanilla aids digestion decreases headaches, relieves upset stomach, and controls vomiting and diarrhea. A vanilla-infused tea can be a comfort when stomach upset strikes.

Mineral-rich vanilla calms and soothes, not only is vanilla good for what ails your stomach, it can help elevate your mood. Vanilla’s mineral content plays a part in stress reduction:

Magnesium – relaxes nervous tension, and helps maintain healthy blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

Potassium – helps maintain regular heart contractions, balances the body’s electrolytes, and helps relax blood vessels

Calcium – reduces the production of cortisol, our stress hormone.


How to get more vanilla in your life-

There are two ways to add vanilla to your recipes and enjoy its flavor and aroma. You can purchase vanilla extract, or use the seeds of the vanilla bean. The chemically produced vanilla extract can contain a lot of impurities and contaminants. Here are a few tips for finding the purest vanilla extract:  Look for the FDA seal on the bottle to avoid consuming the chemical.  Each vanilla bean contains over 25,000 seeds that are full of rich flavor. One vanilla bean is equivalent toabout three teaspoons of vanilla extract. When buying vanilla beans, look for plump ones that are glossy on the outside and bend a little. Dull, brittle beans are too old, and the seeds will not come out easily. Store your beans away from heat or light, and use them within a few weeks, before they dry out.

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