The aging process causes significant changes in the neuromuscular and skeletal systems. The rapid aging of the population and biological changes in elder bodies indicate that orthopedic problems are very common nowadays. Let’s discuss about some of the common orthopaedic conditions in the elderly so that we can try to prevent it from happening to our loved ones at home.



Osteoarthritis is the most common joint disease that affects the elderly and results in long-term disability. It causes loss of articular cartilage, ligamentous laxity, meniscal damage, osteophyte formations, and in some cases effusion and synovitis. These findings occur due to imbalance between the breakdown and repair of joint tissue and some of them may cause symptoms such as pain, stiffness, and disability. Ultimately disease progression may lead to joint failure.



Fractures are serious problem facing the elderly. As people grow older, their bone mineral density decreases. This is particularly problematic in post-menopausal women. Decreased mineral levels translate to weaker, more brittle bones. Next, the vision of the elderly is not that great compared to the young and healthy ones. With an impaired vision, it is inevitable that unexpected events will occur.



Dislocations in elderly people are often accompanied by tears of the rotator cuff. Old age people who have dislocated a joint will experience immediate pain, which decreases after a physician helps put the joint back in place. Following up with an orthopaedic specialist will ensure that the healing process goes well.



As we get older, we begin to lose more bone than we build. The tiny holes within bones get bigger, and the solid outer layer becomes thinner. The body continually makes new bones and breaks down old bone tissue. When the bone production process cannot keep pace with bone loss, your bones become brittle and weak. An orthopaedic doctor can recommend treatment to slow the rate of bone loss and prevent injury.


Visiting an orthopaedic doctor can help elderly people to get the treatment they need. Dr. A.K. Sharma is the best orthopaedic doctor in Delhi NCR to treat all orthopaedics related problems.

He is also available for online consultation on Practo:

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