Every day, more and more people are diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome. Symptoms of fatigue are being tired, having low energy, poor focus, bad eating habits, chronic aches, pains, tend to have a short temper. Fatigue can also lead to depression and loss of joy for life. One can reduce fatigue with these simple six lifestyle changes-

  1. Sleep Right- Symptoms of fatigue, like foggy-headedness, recall difficulty, muscle motor issues and pain are all associated with poor sleep. Sleeping from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. is said to be the best time for our body clocks. Below are some great tips for sleeping well.
  • Set Your Sleep/Wake Cycle-The first way to fight insomnia is to establish a set sleep and wake schedule.
  • No Sugar Or Caffeine After 6:00 P.M.
  • No Exercise Or Continuous Physical Activity After 7 P.M.
  • Reduce Anxiety and Stress
  • No watching TV in bed.
  • Create the proper sleep space.
  1. Eat Right- Avoid food like soda, sugar, white bread, rice and potatoes that sap your energy. Replace these with energy-giving foods like fresh, whole fruits and vegetables, water, and lean protein. Some nutrient deficiencies that are seen on a regular basis in patients who are fatigued are iron, vitamin D, and vitamin B deficiencies. Each one of these nutrients can be checked by a simple blood test and should be considered when you are struggling with low energy.
  1. Be stress-free- The best ways to stress-free include reframing the ways in which you see the world, view events and your place in them. Take a break from the unrelenting news cycle. Compartmentalize your time to not take on more than you can handle to create a balanced work/life balance. Find times for hobbies, too.
  1. Meditation- Meditation not only can relax you but can help reduce stress and especially the production of stress hormones like cortisol, that sap energy and cause fatigue. Meditation quiets the mind, slows respiration and helps heal the body.
  1. Exercise today- Exercise creates feelings of wellbeing because one is able to let off steam, get out anger, move the blood, sweat out toxins and help the body release chemicals like endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine. And mixing up the daily routine of running, walking, weight training and aerobics keep things interesting and fun.
  1. Express gratitude- One of the easiest ways to free up energy and reduce fatigue is to express gratitude as often as possible. Each day you can tell those around you how grateful you are for their help, work, friendship, etc.

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