There is equipment inside your foot that would impress any engineer. Over 100 tendons, muscles, and ligaments, in addition to 26 bones, 33 joints, support your weight and help you move through your regular activities. Injuries can result from defects in the inner workings of your foot or from excessive demands from the outside, just like the most technologically advanced machine can malfunction. The following list of eight potential issues and their solutions.

  1. best orthopaedic surgeon in Noida Neuromas

Among other things, too-tight or high-heeled shoes might compress the nerves in the space between your toes. Morton’s neuroma is the term for the problem that often develops between your third and fourth toes. With cushioning, ice, orthotics, and wearing shoes with a large toe box and low heels, a neuroma’s pain, tingling, and numbness can frequently be eased.

  1. Stress Fracture

Stress fractures are among the most serious sports injuries that are frequently brought on by overdoing high-impact activities like running, dancing, or basketball. Stress is transferred to the bone from worn-out muscles. A tiny, hairline crack appears, potentially producing excruciating discomfort. Although stress fractures can happen anywhere on your foot, the second and third metatarsals, or long toe bones, are where they most frequently develop. Your bones can recover with rest, typically taking 6 to 8 weeks.

  1. Plantar Fasciitis

Do you shriek in pain as soon as you get out of bed in the morning? You most certainly have plantar fasciitis, an inflammation of the fascia, a band of tissue on the bottom of your foot that connects your toes to your heel. Your risk increases with high-impact activities, excess weight, and occupations requiring prolonged standing or walking on hard surfaces. Consider wearing a night splint that lengthens your plantar fascia while you sleep, as well as frequently stretching your foot and calf.

  1. Heel Spurs

When calcium deposits amass on the base of your heel bone, heel spurs develop. They frequently don’t hurt themselves, but they can irritate the plantar fascia, which results in pain in the heel and arch. Stretching the calves and feet can help relieve pain; surgery to remove the spur is rarely necessary.

  1. Bunions

When the joint that connects your big toe to your foot moves out of place, a lump of bone and tissue occurs at the base of the toe. Most cases are caused by high heels and shoes with narrow toes, however a tiny amount is due to inheritance. Bunions can produce excruciating pain that makes it difficult for you to move about. Thankfully, remedies like applying cold, using over-the-counter foot pads, and putting on shoes with broader toe boxes frequently provide relief.

  1. Sesamoiditis

Your big toe is supported by two pea-shaped bones called sesamoids, which are tucked into a tendon just below the ball of your foot. Running and golfing are two activities that put stress on the ball of the foot and can harm the tendons, bones, or soft tissue in the area. Sesamoid pressure can be relieved by taping, strapping, or padding the foot, and discomfort and swelling can be diminished by anti-inflammatory medications.

  1. Achilles Tendon

When forced to perform too much, too soon, the long Achilles tendon may become thick, inflamed, bloated, or painful (for example, after beginning an ambitious exercise program). Calf muscles that are tight may also be a factor. After switching from a high-impact workout to a cross-training regimen, such as biking, using an elliptical machine, or swimming, along with calves-strengthening and stretching exercises, soreness frequently subsides.

  1. Sprained Ankles

Every day, many people stumble, trip, or twist and sprain their ankle. This frequent accident happens when the ligaments on the outside of your ankle strain or tear, resulting in discomfort, swelling, and even the inability to bear weight. If that’s the case, or if you have extreme swelling or deformity, consult a doctor. The RICE protocol—rest, ice, compression, and elevation—usually works well for minor sprains.


We have the best orthopaedic surgeon in Noida who specializes in various aspects of the musculoskeletal system and has the capacity to treat any orthopaedic condition. If you need orthopaedic care in Delhi-NCR contact Global Orthopaedics and Sports Injury Centre at 8527853456

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