If one’s suffering from poor digestion, depression or anxiety, it could all start with stress and what it does to one’s stomach. That makes finding ways to overcome and better handle the stress in your day-to-day life vital.
Here are a few ways you can beat the stress:
Laugh more – Laughter has been shown to lower the levels of stress hormones, so put on a funny movie, have a game night with friends or spend time playing with your kids.
Exercise – Exercise can melt away stress by elevating the production of mood-boosting chemicals called endorphins. Take a walk, swim laps, ride your bike or just march in place while watching your favorite TV show.
Meditate – Meditation allows you to look inward and relax your muscles one by one. Spend 10 – 15 minutes each day on this stress-busting practice.
Turn Off the Computer – According to a study from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden uninterrupted computer use has been a reason for stress, lost sleep and depression in women. Make sure to take frequent breaks during your day of computer use — and try to shut offline at least an hour before bedtime.
But don’t forget the power of a good probiotic. When taken in combination with the stress beaters outlined above, it just might help save stomach and improve digestion and mood.