A recent study shows that eating an orange a day can help protect you from a serious age-related eye disease—–Macular degeneration.

Researchers from West mead Institute for Medical Research in Australia recently found that eating oranges makes you less likely to develop macular degeneration. The study included 2,000 adults who were 50 or older. Researchers followed them for 15 years. When the study was done, people who ate at least one orange per day were far less likely to get macular degeneration. Their risk was 60 percent lower than people who never ate oranges.

Why are oranges so good for your eyes?

1.Oranges are high in vitamin C, which promotes eye health.

2.Oranges contain a lot of these powerful antioxidants, which are known to reduce inflammation and strengthen the immune system.

3.Flavonoids are found in nearly every fruit and vegetable and a bunch of other foods and beverages too.

But when it comes to macular degeneration, not just any flavonoids will do… Researchers tested a few other
foods that are high in flavonoids, like tea, apples and red wine. But these didn’t make a difference in macular
degeneration risk. So, for now, stick to that oh-so delicious citrus fruit — the incredible orange!

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